Tag Archives: Duncan Hunter

Richardson Drops Out

New Mexico’s Governor Bill Richardson dropped from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination tonight, making my New Hampshire prediction a wee bit more accurate, although he did not endorse Barack Obama. Fred Thompson? Duncan Hunter? You listening?

New Hampshire Results

No excuses. I purposely made my New Hampshire prediction on Saturday, because I didn’t want to be influenced by the weekend polls. My ulterior motive was that if I called it correctly from three days out, I’d look really smart. I don’t look smart this morning, but if I’d had access to those weekend polls, […]

New Hampshire Predictions

New Hampshire is harder to predict than Iowa. Rather than bringing clarity to the race, Thursday night’s upsets make New Hampshire more complicated. The wild cards in the Granite State are the independents, who can vote in either primary (but not both). Conventional political wisdom says they will throw their support to John McCain and […]