Author Archives: floegel

The Flood of July

The little ones ran through the back yard last night with sparklers in their hands, screeching with delight and anxiety.  It’s a rare for their parents to allow them to hold anything on fire.  Monty the Saint Bernard stood among them, panting, somehow seeming in charge of the situation. The teenaged girl had long since […]

A Day in the Life

I’m in DC this week.  I hit the streets early Tuesday, before the heat of the day came on.  I stuck in my earbuds and shuffle served up A Day in the Life, one of my favorites Beatles’ songs.  I like it because it strikes me as a wedding of John Lennon’s and Paul McCartney’s […]

Vermont’s Military-Industrial-Real Estate Complex

Vermont has an Air National Guard unit based at Burlington International Airport (BTV).  They fly F-16s.  The Air Force intends to eliminate some F-16 bases, keep others and convert some bases for use by the new F-35 warplane.  Burlington is the Air Force’s number one pick to base the F-35.  Why is that? It’s because […]

Civil Liberties, Writ Small (No Spitting!)

Hey folks, why not come on up to Burlington this summer?  We’ve got a lovely waterfront, one festival every other weekend and heck, we do the little things well, things you might not notice, but enhance your tourism experience all the same. For example, our collection of quaint street people – vagrants and vagabonds, wanderers, […]

Reading the Urban Forest

Around my 20th birthday, I realized I could name the make, model and year of every car parked along the street where I lived, but had only a vague idea of the trees. I knew a maple from a birch from an oak, but had no real concept of a sycamore, beech or elm.  This […]

May 1970

My dad’s union (UA Local 13) went on strike on May 1, 1970.  He knew it would be long and saw an opportunity.  Whatever the union got him in wages, my dad never had a paid vacation, holiday or sick day, so knowing he’d be out of work for at least a month, he and […]

Seasonal Affective Disorder

I was hiding out in the White Mountains of New Hampshire this week, trying to get my mind right. It is rainy and cool in New England, third week of May.  It’s Teen Death Season.  Classes are ending, exams starting, proms and end of season sports parties.  Late nights, alcohol, drugs and motor vehicles. Two […]