Tag Archives: Florida

The Theme Park

Twenty-five years ago, I worked at a theme park in central Florida, the one with the mouse. It was not a good fit; I lasted about 90 days, then fled back north. I learned some things, however, and the lessons stayed with me. The first thing I learned is that appearance is reality. The theme […]

Statistic of the Day

According to a report in today’s Washington Post 35,000 people moved to Florida last year. This was unusual, because the Sunshine State’s annual population are more on the order of the 268,000 who moved there in 2005. The Post reporter, Peter Whoriskey, speculates that high taxes and the cost of hurricane insurance are making Florida […]

Stanley Milgram, Call Your Office

In 1961, in response to the “I was just following orders” defense of Holocaust logistician Adolf Eichmann, Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram devised a series of experiments in which volunteers were led to believe they were administering progressively stronger electric shocks to a fellow volunteer on the order of an authority figure conducting the experiment. In […]